Sunday, September 25, 2011

finding a new church...week 9

Well, here we are at week 9!  I must say I was definitely more tired this morning than I have been because my first week at work wore me out!  We had a brief moment of "maybe we should just sleep" but we both sucked it up and got ready.  We decided to go back to the church we posted about on week 4, as it's the other church we like a lot.  We're pretty much trying to choose between this one, and the one we went to the last 2 weeks (week 7 and week 8).  

We apparently got there a little bit late, as the music had already started (even though the clock in my car said we were a minute early :)).  This time, as far as song selection goes....we only knew 2 of the 5 songs.  We all know this is a small pet peeve of mine.  But I do have to say that the two songs we DID know are two of my favorites, so that almost made up for it :)  (get an idea of what songs I love by clicking here and here!!)  Another redeeming factor (and this one might be considered a little shallow) is that the guy who lead worship both on week 4 and today has an AMAZING voice.  Much like my dear Scotty, I could listen to this guy sing allllllll day long.  He's also a great worship leader, knows when to say things between songs, just very very awesome.

We both enjoyed the sermon.  (And the sound guy(s) or gal(s) know how to keep the volume under control, which is one of the things that we have a problem with at the other church....the pastor there has a naturally loud voice, and the sound person keeps him loud the entire time....feels like you're being yelled at the entire time)

So.....basically, we're just as confused about which church is right for us as we have been :)  There are pros and cons to each one.  While week 7/8 church has been more welcoming as far as speaking to us, etc, week 4/9 church has more people in our age group that we could connect with if we decided to stay there. It's just going to be a touch decision.  Good news is, if we are quiet and still, God will let us know where to go!  We'd like to think it'll be one of these churches but, at the same time, know that it could be somewhere else. At least we really feel like we're making progress still.  :)


  1. Sounds a little more promising than at first!!

  2. are the sunday school classes equal?

  3. i don't think either church has sunday school classes, per se. both do small groups outside of the church during the week (which is what we had at our church in asheville). we like the small group format in general, but it is definitely a little harder to jump in to one of those than it would be to just drop in on a SS class.
