Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finding a church...week 5

Week 5!  Last Sunday in August.  And somehow, we've managed to miss communion at every church!  A little disappointing, I must say.  Maybe we'll hit it next week.  :)

Anyways, we went to church today with some friends of mine from college and their adorable daughter.  The contemporary service for this church is at 9am (at least until the flip-flop in another 2 weeks) so it was definitely an early morning for us.  But, the promise of breakfast afterwards and a nap was all it took to get Jeremy on board with the plan.

The church itself has definitely got the contemporary look to it....pews, stained glass, etc, but they really did a good job with contemporary music.  I could tell that they've been doing it for a little while.  We recognized all but one song (which is a beautiful song, by the way) so that definitely helped.

I have to admit that I halfway expected things to be kinda "stuffy", but it was quite the opposite.  Even though most of the people were dressed up quite a bit more than Jeremy and I, all of those we encountered were extremely nice.  (And people actually raised their hands in praise--didn't expect that :))

Now for my attempt at comedy.  I truly believe that God gives Baptist preachers louder voices than any other people on earth!  I tell you what, that guy spoke powerfully!  Pretty good sermon on the 9th commandment (bearing false witness) and a realization that lies ABOUND in this world......not always blatant un-truths...but people putting a "spin" on things, saying things to lead you to an assumption about someone/something....etc.

Don't know that this will be our new church home, but it was definitely good to go with friends :)


  1. I saw these two video's recently and thought of y'all and your church search... hope you find the right fit soon!

  2. Oh my, Suz, those are a little too close to reality in some churches, but FUNNY!!

  3. LOL, those videos are amazing! thanks for sharing...i needed a good laugh today :)
