Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just an off day...

I'm in a bit of a funk today.  Nothing major, nothing "serious"...just one of those blah days.  Where everything's in some sort of gray scale instead of technicolor.  

We went to church today, still at New Charlotte for now.  Some great music today.  Still very much hoping to be a part of it in the near future, but I also know that God has plans, and he knows what is best for me, whether I know it or not.  So...just waiting that one out.  Good sermon today, too, on giving.  I know a lot of pastors and churches in general get nervous about these types of sermons.  In fact, the pastor today admitted he was nervous about the topic.  But it's one that's so important.  God doesn't need our money.  God is going to accomplish His goals with or without us.  God wants us to experience the sacrifice of giving, and the togetherness of the project(s).  God wants us to be a part of what He's doing, but He doesn't NEED us.  It's for our good, not His.  Got me thinking about the faith part of giving.  How we should give no matter what our financial situation is.  I know a lot of people have seen their paychecks dwindle, or perhaps don't even have paychecks any more.  I know ours are smaller than when we were in Asheville.  It doesn't mean we've stopped giving.  The amounts may be a little less, but the proportion is the same. I go back and forth between "I wish we could give more" and "If only I could add this money into the budget for something else".  I hate it when I feel either of these things.  

I've also just gotten to the point where I really am lonely!  Of course I have my husband, and he's amazing, and I love him...but we don't have a whole lot of other people.  Don't get me wrong, we do know a few people down here, but we just haven't fallen into a groove of "hanging out" with folks.  Not to mention that I'm usually too tired to think about hanging out when I get home at 6 or later on weeknights.  Also Jeremy has class Friday nights and works Sunday nights.  It's hard.  And I want to start making an effort to be more social, I really do.  We're hoping we can get connected at church as a "jumping point" so to speak.

Hmmmm.  What else am I randomly thinking about today.  Haven't been able to save quite as much money on groceries and such lately.  That's a bit of a bummer, but I guess to be expected since I've not had as much time to research the deals, coupons, etc.  I'm trying to figure out a way to fit that in as well.

(Can you tell I'm using this as a venting place today?  I guess we all have those days...)

I am definitely happy that Jeremy and I are celebrating our 2-year anniversary tomorrow!!!!  I can't believe we've been married for 2 years, and more or less together for about 5.  This man is definitely the person God chose for me, and I'm so glad to have him in my life :)  <3

I'm also happy that he and I get to spend next weekend in Asheville!!!  It will be good to be back in our beloved mountains, see some beautiful Fall color, hopefully see some friends...and worship with our church family at Covenant!  I'm super-psyched about that part :)

I'm going to leave this on a positive note.  Because that's what I need.  Some positive energy :)

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to your mountains, Amanda. Just thinking about them is "feel good"!! Hope your week is upbeat and happy!
