I've kinda fallen out of the blogging world for a little while. I'm usually so tired by the time I get home that it takes all the energy I have to figure out what to do for dinner, hang out with Jeremy for a little while, and maybe watch a TV show. I'm usually ready to at least lay down in bed with the TV or a book by 9 or 9:30. So, since a few of you have asked, here's October in a nutshell (it also allows you to skip the long-winded posts about some of these things :))!
We celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on 10/10. We went out for dinner and a movie the weekend right before the anniversary (since it was on a Monday). Very nice to spend time together!!
We went up to Asheville the weekend after our anniversary to hang out with friends, and to visit our church. I got to help lead worship with the band, and it was an amazing blessing! It was hard to come back, but I made a decision to CHOOSE happiness. It's actually kinda been working :)
We hit the 3-month "anniversary" of moving down here. I can't BELIEVE that it's been that long! It really does feel like just yesterday that we left the mountains. Jeremy hit 2 months with the O'Charley's down here, and I hit 1 month with my job (just last week).
Jeremy's had a few rough days waiting tables...not much different than in Asheville. We're still surprised at how inconsiderate people are...he's had at least one table completely stiff him this week (and of course the ones that decide to leave no tip are usually the ones that make him run around the most, and this was no exception). I know times are tough, but guess what? Unless you're unemployed and not receiving any benefits, you're making more than my husband does per hour. $2.13/hour. If you don't tip him, that's all he makes. I'll step off that soapbox now :)
He's still on the look-out for another job, but he's also not entirely sure WHAT he wants to do. But, he's applied several places and signed up for a handful of job sites, so I know God will lead him in the right direction!
He's still taking his grammar class on Friday nights, and even though I know it's rather annoying for him sometimes, he knows that after this, he'll get to take classes he's interested in! We're still not sure where the money is going to come from, but we're trying to have faith that if God brought us here, He will provide. We keep praying for that!
My job is going well also. I finally feel like I've got a handle on the tasks I am responsible for daily, and they're adding to my workload, so that's good. There are so many people there who are INSANELY loaded down with work, so I'm just happy that I'm able to take a little off of each of their plates to help out! I'm still an "intern"--but don't worry, a PAID intern--but am hoping that they'll decide to keep me on permanently. Rumor has it that some of my co-workers have been advocating on my behalf to get me hired on, so I'm hoping it will work :)
We're still attending the church I wrote about a few weeks back, so we'll see how that goes. I'm having one big problem, that I don't really want to toss out there at the moment, so I've been praying for God to reveal the reason for this. I'm hoping that He will let me know--let US know--what to do.
I reckon that's about all that's going on right now! I can't think of much else. I do have a story to share, but that's for a separate blog post. Maybe tomorrow. :)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Time to grow...
Jeremy and I spent this past weekend in Asheville....and it was FANTASTIC! We got to stay with the Kaylers (well, at least Ma and Pa Kayler, as the little birds are BOTH in college now!)...we got to eat lunch and dinner with friends...we got to go back to our "home" church...we got to drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway with the other tourists (though I have a hard time calling myself a tourist in Asheville...I've only been gone for 3 months!!!). The weather was beautiful, being a part of the worship band again on Sunday was more of a blessing to me than I ever expected....overall, it was just an amazing weekend!!
And then, on Sunday evening, as we drove down and out of the beautiful mountains, I began to tear up. All I could think about was how wonderful our life was there, how many friends we had, all of the activities we were involved in. Of course, in times like this, you never look back to the hard times you had, just the wonderful ones because, of course, life was "perfect" back then, right?
I started to realize throughout the rest of the evening and into the beginning of this week that I had to change my outlook, or I was going to completely kill any chances I have--we have--of being happy here. Is Jeremy's school still here? Yep. Do we still feel that this is what God is calling us to? Yep. OK. So, I can't change that right now. I just have to find a way to be happy.
Over the past 2 days, I have been given--undoubtedly by God, through others--some of the tools I need to start this journey fresh. (And a few gems from a few months ago, as I was just beginning)
A friend mentioned to me a while back that she saw this situation as being similar to when a plant outgrows its pot. You have to take the plant, and re-pot it in something bigger so that it can continue to grow. She said this situation makes her think of that....that it was time for me to be re-planted so that I can continue to grow and blossom. It's wonderful imagery, and I've called upon it a few times, but not nearly enough. That is going to change.
A friend at work today passed along this scripture, as I was having a very rough day:
And then, on Sunday evening, as we drove down and out of the beautiful mountains, I began to tear up. All I could think about was how wonderful our life was there, how many friends we had, all of the activities we were involved in. Of course, in times like this, you never look back to the hard times you had, just the wonderful ones because, of course, life was "perfect" back then, right?
I started to realize throughout the rest of the evening and into the beginning of this week that I had to change my outlook, or I was going to completely kill any chances I have--we have--of being happy here. Is Jeremy's school still here? Yep. Do we still feel that this is what God is calling us to? Yep. OK. So, I can't change that right now. I just have to find a way to be happy.
Over the past 2 days, I have been given--undoubtedly by God, through others--some of the tools I need to start this journey fresh. (And a few gems from a few months ago, as I was just beginning)
A friend mentioned to me a while back that she saw this situation as being similar to when a plant outgrows its pot. You have to take the plant, and re-pot it in something bigger so that it can continue to grow. She said this situation makes her think of that....that it was time for me to be re-planted so that I can continue to grow and blossom. It's wonderful imagery, and I've called upon it a few times, but not nearly enough. That is going to change.
A friend at work today passed along this scripture, as I was having a very rough day:
Romans 8:28 (NIV): And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
When I looked this up, it made me think of the plant. God has called us here, for HIS purpose. He didn't just pick us up, drop us off, and then leave us...He's here. He will take care of us. Through Him we will be able to grow and blossom in this new pot we've been planted in.
I also was directed to this blog post during lunch after seeing it linked on the Money Saving Mom blog that I read often. The post gave some practical "tips" for giving thanks even when we're discontent with our lot in life. (Please read the article, as I'm taking these steps out of it, but not really explaining who is giving the tips!)
1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything, not even the weather.2. Never picture yourself in a different circumstance or someplace else.3. Never compare your lot with the lot of another.4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.5. Never dwell on tomorrow. Remember it is God’s, and not ours.6. Choose to be thankful for exactly where you are and exactly what you have.
All of this combined really hit home today. Happiness is less a state of mind and more something I can create for myself...something I can allow myself. I can't always change the situations I'm in, but I can ALWAYS change the way I perceive them, react to them, and handle them.
So. Today begins a whole new outlook on this life. A whole new season of appreciating the pot I'm in, and ceasing to spend all of my time yearning for the pot I *was* in.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Sometimes it's the little things...
I love checking the mail, especially knowing that I've signed up for freebies and they have to come SOMETIME. :) The sad thing is, I usually don't remember what I've signed up for by the time it gets here.
Today was a nice surprise, which brightened my mood after my hour-long commute!
Two boxes! Awesome! I vaguely remember signing up for the Target freebie, but not the Walmart so much. So I opened them up....
...and we have a trial-sized lotion (which I *love* carrying in my purse) and a make-up bag from Target. But, we're not done yet!
Inside the Target make-up bag were several awesome samples! We have:
Today was a nice surprise, which brightened my mood after my hour-long commute!
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Two boxes! One from Target, and one from Walmart. |
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Pretttttttttty! |
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Freebies INSIDE of a freebie! |
- Burt's Bees SPF 15 lotion
- L'Oreal Regenerating Skincare cream
- TRESemme Naturals shampoo and conditioner
- Pond's wet cleansing towelettes (5 of them!!)
- Garnier Fructis Fortifying shampoo and conditioner
- John Frieda Full Repair shampoo and conditioner
- and $20+ of coupons for the items included as well as others
Dude. I feel like I hit the jackpot this time...totally awesome!
Like I said, sometimes it's the little things that can make me happy!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Letting it all hang out
Let's just get right down to it, shall we? I suffer from a mental illness. I suspect it's been present in my life for almost as long as I can remember, but I don't really remember it becoming stronger than me until sometime in my late teens. Even then, though, I was able to chalk it up to "hormones", or the stresses of going away to college, or the stresses of being in college. You get the picture. I was able to push it aside, and pretend it wasn't there.
It wasn't until early in the summer of 2004 that I really got a sense that there might be something real going on. One Wednesday, I started feeling mild chest pains. I figured it couldn't be anything serious...I was only 24, and 24 year olds don't have heart attacks. Thursday rolled around, and the feelings only got worse. I had made a first appointment with a new doctor for Friday, so I called them up to see what I should do. I completely expected them to say, "Oh, just come in tomorrow and we'll check you out" but instead I got a firm, but relatively calm, "Why don't you head on over to an urgent care to have them see what's going on?" So, I asked a co-worker to drive me (well, I think she insisted) and when we got there, she said she'd be right in, she was going to grab a newspaper to read. Well, turns out they don't take chest pains lightly, even when you're 24, so when my friend got inside the building, they had already taken me back to be examined. They took my blood pressure, hooked me up to an EKG, and I waited. My blood pressure is NEVER high, but it definitely was that day, probably because I was freaking the heck out. After they got me calmed down, all seemed well....heart rhythm, blood pressure, everything, so they sent me home.
Well, I went to the new doctor the next day, and let's just say I'm glad he kept me on for the next 7 years, because I just let it all out. I was scared, and I needed to hear SOMETHING. At this point, he mentioned that my pains could be caused by acid reflux, or by anxiety and depression. It was official at that point...a doctor had used those words about me. I didn't doubt it at all. I knew it was true, and it just took being told by a "professional" to make me realize it.
Over the next several months, there were many more tests...more EKGs, echocardiograms, more visits to the ER when I was completely freaking out...visits to GI doctors to see about my acid reflux and possible other problems. I don't do well with fearing for my health. Not at all.
Through all of this, though, something awesome happened. I asked a friend if I could go to church with her one Sunday, as she had invited me in the past. Of course she said yes, and we went that week. Little did I know that my brother had been attending that church for a while, and decided to come to a different service that day....the one my friend and I were at. It was like God was saying, "Here you go! How many more signs do you need?" I decided to continue attending. I decided to really learn about God, and being a Christian, and starting my Christian journey. I say "starting" because I don't know that I had one single moment of "salvation" like so many do, like my husband does. But I do remember the day that the ball was set in motion...not by date, but by feeling. I was in the shower, and singing a song from church, and as I sang these words, I just started crying, knowing that I meant them, and knowing that God was listening:
"And so I come into Your chamber, and I dance at Your feet, Lord. You are my savior, and I'm at Your mercy. And all that has been in my life until now belongs to you..."
I wish I could say that the depression and other health issues magically went away, but they didn't. I continued to struggle with reflux issues, with the depression and anxiety, and then on top of that I had eye surgery to fix a partially detached retina. But looking back, God was in ALL of those moments, whether I truly believed it at the time or not. Though I think we all wish that our memories were full of sunshine and rainbows, there's the occasional (or more-than-occasional) storm that gets in the way. I know all of the storms I've been through have been to make me stronger, to trust God more. I know that if I hadn't been to the deep, dark places that I've been, that I wouldn't appreciate the sunshine as much as I do. I wouldn't have known 100% that my husband would stand with me always...because if he could stand with me then--stand FOR me then--then he would be with me through anything.
A few years, some medication, some therapy and a husband later, and I still struggle every day. I still take my medication. I haven't found a therapist here yet, but that may come in time. I know the only thing that hasn't changed is God. His love and His grace have gotten me to where I am, and I know He'll continue taking me as far as He has planned for me, even though I don't always remember that.
I am not quite sure what--other than God, duh!--compelled me to write this when I should really be sleeping, but here ya go anyways. I guess sometimes I reckon that there are others who are going through similar situations. That you're not alone. A friend of mine from high school has been blogging about some of the troubles in her life, and it really does make me feel better knowing I'm not alone. Hopefully this will help you in the same way :)
It wasn't until early in the summer of 2004 that I really got a sense that there might be something real going on. One Wednesday, I started feeling mild chest pains. I figured it couldn't be anything serious...I was only 24, and 24 year olds don't have heart attacks. Thursday rolled around, and the feelings only got worse. I had made a first appointment with a new doctor for Friday, so I called them up to see what I should do. I completely expected them to say, "Oh, just come in tomorrow and we'll check you out" but instead I got a firm, but relatively calm, "Why don't you head on over to an urgent care to have them see what's going on?" So, I asked a co-worker to drive me (well, I think she insisted) and when we got there, she said she'd be right in, she was going to grab a newspaper to read. Well, turns out they don't take chest pains lightly, even when you're 24, so when my friend got inside the building, they had already taken me back to be examined. They took my blood pressure, hooked me up to an EKG, and I waited. My blood pressure is NEVER high, but it definitely was that day, probably because I was freaking the heck out. After they got me calmed down, all seemed well....heart rhythm, blood pressure, everything, so they sent me home.
Well, I went to the new doctor the next day, and let's just say I'm glad he kept me on for the next 7 years, because I just let it all out. I was scared, and I needed to hear SOMETHING. At this point, he mentioned that my pains could be caused by acid reflux, or by anxiety and depression. It was official at that point...a doctor had used those words about me. I didn't doubt it at all. I knew it was true, and it just took being told by a "professional" to make me realize it.
Over the next several months, there were many more tests...more EKGs, echocardiograms, more visits to the ER when I was completely freaking out...visits to GI doctors to see about my acid reflux and possible other problems. I don't do well with fearing for my health. Not at all.
Through all of this, though, something awesome happened. I asked a friend if I could go to church with her one Sunday, as she had invited me in the past. Of course she said yes, and we went that week. Little did I know that my brother had been attending that church for a while, and decided to come to a different service that day....the one my friend and I were at. It was like God was saying, "Here you go! How many more signs do you need?" I decided to continue attending. I decided to really learn about God, and being a Christian, and starting my Christian journey. I say "starting" because I don't know that I had one single moment of "salvation" like so many do, like my husband does. But I do remember the day that the ball was set in motion...not by date, but by feeling. I was in the shower, and singing a song from church, and as I sang these words, I just started crying, knowing that I meant them, and knowing that God was listening:
"And so I come into Your chamber, and I dance at Your feet, Lord. You are my savior, and I'm at Your mercy. And all that has been in my life until now belongs to you..."
I wish I could say that the depression and other health issues magically went away, but they didn't. I continued to struggle with reflux issues, with the depression and anxiety, and then on top of that I had eye surgery to fix a partially detached retina. But looking back, God was in ALL of those moments, whether I truly believed it at the time or not. Though I think we all wish that our memories were full of sunshine and rainbows, there's the occasional (or more-than-occasional) storm that gets in the way. I know all of the storms I've been through have been to make me stronger, to trust God more. I know that if I hadn't been to the deep, dark places that I've been, that I wouldn't appreciate the sunshine as much as I do. I wouldn't have known 100% that my husband would stand with me always...because if he could stand with me then--stand FOR me then--then he would be with me through anything.
A few years, some medication, some therapy and a husband later, and I still struggle every day. I still take my medication. I haven't found a therapist here yet, but that may come in time. I know the only thing that hasn't changed is God. His love and His grace have gotten me to where I am, and I know He'll continue taking me as far as He has planned for me, even though I don't always remember that.
I am not quite sure what--other than God, duh!--compelled me to write this when I should really be sleeping, but here ya go anyways. I guess sometimes I reckon that there are others who are going through similar situations. That you're not alone. A friend of mine from high school has been blogging about some of the troubles in her life, and it really does make me feel better knowing I'm not alone. Hopefully this will help you in the same way :)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Just an off day...
I'm in a bit of a funk today. Nothing major, nothing "serious"...just one of those blah days. Where everything's in some sort of gray scale instead of technicolor.
We went to church today, still at New Charlotte for now. Some great music today. Still very much hoping to be a part of it in the near future, but I also know that God has plans, and he knows what is best for me, whether I know it or not. So...just waiting that one out. Good sermon today, too, on giving. I know a lot of pastors and churches in general get nervous about these types of sermons. In fact, the pastor today admitted he was nervous about the topic. But it's one that's so important. God doesn't need our money. God is going to accomplish His goals with or without us. God wants us to experience the sacrifice of giving, and the togetherness of the project(s). God wants us to be a part of what He's doing, but He doesn't NEED us. It's for our good, not His. Got me thinking about the faith part of giving. How we should give no matter what our financial situation is. I know a lot of people have seen their paychecks dwindle, or perhaps don't even have paychecks any more. I know ours are smaller than when we were in Asheville. It doesn't mean we've stopped giving. The amounts may be a little less, but the proportion is the same. I go back and forth between "I wish we could give more" and "If only I could add this money into the budget for something else". I hate it when I feel either of these things.
I've also just gotten to the point where I really am lonely! Of course I have my husband, and he's amazing, and I love him...but we don't have a whole lot of other people. Don't get me wrong, we do know a few people down here, but we just haven't fallen into a groove of "hanging out" with folks. Not to mention that I'm usually too tired to think about hanging out when I get home at 6 or later on weeknights. Also Jeremy has class Friday nights and works Sunday nights. It's hard. And I want to start making an effort to be more social, I really do. We're hoping we can get connected at church as a "jumping point" so to speak.
Hmmmm. What else am I randomly thinking about today. Haven't been able to save quite as much money on groceries and such lately. That's a bit of a bummer, but I guess to be expected since I've not had as much time to research the deals, coupons, etc. I'm trying to figure out a way to fit that in as well.
(Can you tell I'm using this as a venting place today? I guess we all have those days...)
I am definitely happy that Jeremy and I are celebrating our 2-year anniversary tomorrow!!!! I can't believe we've been married for 2 years, and more or less together for about 5. This man is definitely the person God chose for me, and I'm so glad to have him in my life :) <3
I'm also happy that he and I get to spend next weekend in Asheville!!! It will be good to be back in our beloved mountains, see some beautiful Fall color, hopefully see some friends...and worship with our church family at Covenant! I'm super-psyched about that part :)
I'm going to leave this on a positive note. Because that's what I need. Some positive energy :)
We went to church today, still at New Charlotte for now. Some great music today. Still very much hoping to be a part of it in the near future, but I also know that God has plans, and he knows what is best for me, whether I know it or not. So...just waiting that one out. Good sermon today, too, on giving. I know a lot of pastors and churches in general get nervous about these types of sermons. In fact, the pastor today admitted he was nervous about the topic. But it's one that's so important. God doesn't need our money. God is going to accomplish His goals with or without us. God wants us to experience the sacrifice of giving, and the togetherness of the project(s). God wants us to be a part of what He's doing, but He doesn't NEED us. It's for our good, not His. Got me thinking about the faith part of giving. How we should give no matter what our financial situation is. I know a lot of people have seen their paychecks dwindle, or perhaps don't even have paychecks any more. I know ours are smaller than when we were in Asheville. It doesn't mean we've stopped giving. The amounts may be a little less, but the proportion is the same. I go back and forth between "I wish we could give more" and "If only I could add this money into the budget for something else". I hate it when I feel either of these things.
I've also just gotten to the point where I really am lonely! Of course I have my husband, and he's amazing, and I love him...but we don't have a whole lot of other people. Don't get me wrong, we do know a few people down here, but we just haven't fallen into a groove of "hanging out" with folks. Not to mention that I'm usually too tired to think about hanging out when I get home at 6 or later on weeknights. Also Jeremy has class Friday nights and works Sunday nights. It's hard. And I want to start making an effort to be more social, I really do. We're hoping we can get connected at church as a "jumping point" so to speak.
Hmmmm. What else am I randomly thinking about today. Haven't been able to save quite as much money on groceries and such lately. That's a bit of a bummer, but I guess to be expected since I've not had as much time to research the deals, coupons, etc. I'm trying to figure out a way to fit that in as well.
(Can you tell I'm using this as a venting place today? I guess we all have those days...)
I am definitely happy that Jeremy and I are celebrating our 2-year anniversary tomorrow!!!! I can't believe we've been married for 2 years, and more or less together for about 5. This man is definitely the person God chose for me, and I'm so glad to have him in my life :) <3
I'm also happy that he and I get to spend next weekend in Asheville!!! It will be good to be back in our beloved mountains, see some beautiful Fall color, hopefully see some friends...and worship with our church family at Covenant! I'm super-psyched about that part :)
I'm going to leave this on a positive note. Because that's what I need. Some positive energy :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
For the past couple of months, I've been signing up with companies to have free samples sent to me. I mean, why not? If the company (or store) is offering something for completely free, and it's something I'd use, I think it's awesome! Of course, everything takes somewhere in the 6 - 12 week range to get, so most of the time, I don't even remember what I've signed up for!
A couple of months ago, I got the "quickest" sample I've ever gotten...some tampons! This was a Costco giveaway (one of the few they do where you do NOT have to be a member to get it), and they sent 5 tampons in what felt like 3 - 4 weeks. Quite a generous freebie! After I got that in the mail, I was even more hooked than before!
So, for the past couple of weeks, some of the freebies that I've signed up for have started rolling in, so I took a picture! And there's really quite a funny story that goes along with this.
You're probably looking at the Poise pads, and wondering why I got those. Well, it just pays to really READ before you sign up. I didn't realize that they were for "bladder leakage" and not for my menstrual woes. LOL. So if anyone needs some, I have 2 samples and a $2 off coupon I can send you :)
The milk coupon is really cool, as you can use it on any milk. I'm hoping that includes lactose-free, since that's what we typically get. The toilet paper roll cover...I just thought it was a hilarious idea. I think I had to show proof that I had bought Cottonelle over the past however many weeks, and since that's usually what we get, it didn't cost me any extra (pretty sure we got a really good deal on TP that week, too). The Post-It samples are kinda lame, but they did send some high-value coupons, so that was worth it. And I always love trying new hair products...especially since my hair has been weird ever since we moved to Charlotte. Oh, and the Splenda. Not sure how I ended up with two, as I only signed up for one, but I won't complain. 4 little packets (how cute) and 2 coupons (obviously 2 packets and 1 coupon per sample).
We also had a free 6oz steak and side for Outback, but we used that this week. Jeremy ended up with a 6oz steak, baked potato and chicken breast for $4. Pretty good deal :)
I know I have plenty more coming to me, I just can't necessarily remember what. :) I hope to be able to take pictures of more goodies soon!
Some of my favorite sites to get/learn about freebies:
A couple of months ago, I got the "quickest" sample I've ever gotten...some tampons! This was a Costco giveaway (one of the few they do where you do NOT have to be a member to get it), and they sent 5 tampons in what felt like 3 - 4 weeks. Quite a generous freebie! After I got that in the mail, I was even more hooked than before!
So, for the past couple of weeks, some of the freebies that I've signed up for have started rolling in, so I took a picture! And there's really quite a funny story that goes along with this.
You're probably looking at the Poise pads, and wondering why I got those. Well, it just pays to really READ before you sign up. I didn't realize that they were for "bladder leakage" and not for my menstrual woes. LOL. So if anyone needs some, I have 2 samples and a $2 off coupon I can send you :)
The milk coupon is really cool, as you can use it on any milk. I'm hoping that includes lactose-free, since that's what we typically get. The toilet paper roll cover...I just thought it was a hilarious idea. I think I had to show proof that I had bought Cottonelle over the past however many weeks, and since that's usually what we get, it didn't cost me any extra (pretty sure we got a really good deal on TP that week, too). The Post-It samples are kinda lame, but they did send some high-value coupons, so that was worth it. And I always love trying new hair products...especially since my hair has been weird ever since we moved to Charlotte. Oh, and the Splenda. Not sure how I ended up with two, as I only signed up for one, but I won't complain. 4 little packets (how cute) and 2 coupons (obviously 2 packets and 1 coupon per sample).
We also had a free 6oz steak and side for Outback, but we used that this week. Jeremy ended up with a 6oz steak, baked potato and chicken breast for $4. Pretty good deal :)
I know I have plenty more coming to me, I just can't necessarily remember what. :) I hope to be able to take pictures of more goodies soon!
Some of my favorite sites to get/learn about freebies:
- http://moneysavingmom.com/ I've talked about this website several times. She has all sorts of info about coupons, freebies, sales and so much more!
- http://www.pgeverydaysolutions.com/pgeds/index.jsp You can sign up every quarter (I think) for a free product, coupon booklet, etc. They take a long time to get to you, but can be very worth it.
- http://samples.target.com/ These go very quickly. You can usually find out about these on blogs (like the MoneySavingMom blog linked above)
- http://instoresnow.walmart.com/In-Stores-Now-Free-Samples-and-Savings.aspx These usually go pretty fast, too
- http://www.costco.com/ If you search "free samples" or something like that, you'll get a list of what they're offering. Some of their stuff is only for Costco members, so just pay attention to that.
It can also pay off to "like" your favorite companies on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter, as they sometimes advertise free samples or coupons on those pages.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
finding a new church...week 10
...and we're hoping week LAST! If you've read the past few weeks of our church posts, you'll know that there were 2 churches we were struggling between....the smallish church and the more Covenant-sized church (our church in Asheville). Well, the other night when Jeremy and I were driving to get dinner, we were discussing which church we wanted to try and connect with. We kept asking each other, "Which one do YOU like better?" "No, which one do YOU like better?" So we decided to say it on 3..."1, 2, 3...." and we both said the same one. :) So, my friends, I introduce you to our potential new church home, New Charlotte Church! We've asked for information about small groups, and I talked to the worship pastor today about possibly becoming involved with the music ministry. So...I guess we'll see! It kinda feels good to no longer be searching for a church, but now we get to start searching for connections (which is probably going to be harder than what we've been doing!).
We really need friends down here. I mean, we do have a few, which has definitely helped the transition, but we're kinda lonely. I mean, we're pretty big homebodies, but sometimes it's nice to do things with other people. :)
Anyways. We'll keep blogging about this adventure, as it is FAR from over! And, this may not be the place for us, but unless we try to connect, we'll never know :)
We really need friends down here. I mean, we do have a few, which has definitely helped the transition, but we're kinda lonely. I mean, we're pretty big homebodies, but sometimes it's nice to do things with other people. :)
Anyways. We'll keep blogging about this adventure, as it is FAR from over! And, this may not be the place for us, but unless we try to connect, we'll never know :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Slow week for deals (for me, at least)
Sunday, 10/2/11
I wanted to share a bit of deal-age with y'all today, but didn't want to create a whole new post, so I'm just editing this one from yesterday :)
I had to run by Harris Teeter to get a few things that we needed, so I checked the coupon match-ups, made a couple of plans, and headed out. Today I purchased:
I wanted to share a bit of deal-age with y'all today, but didn't want to create a whole new post, so I'm just editing this one from yesterday :)
I had to run by Harris Teeter to get a few things that we needed, so I checked the coupon match-ups, made a couple of plans, and headed out. Today I purchased:
- 4 2-L Coke products
- 2 bottles of SoftSoap hand soap
- 2 bottles of KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce
- 2 Mama Mary's pizza crusts
- Package of pepperoni
- 2 rolls of Jimmy Dean sausage (I'm going to try and make a ton of breakfast burritos so that I can grab one or two in the mornings and not stop to get breakfast every morning...)
- 18 eggs
- Lactose-free milk (which is expensive...$3.29 for a half-gallon :()
The best deal was getting the BBQ sauces for FREE. They retail for 2.25, but were on sale for $0.99!!! Then I had two $0.50/1 coupons, which were doubled, making them free! The sodas were also a great deal...retailing for $1.79, but on special sale for $0.88 each! We try not to keep soda in the house very often, but I figured it would be a nice--inexpensive!!!--treat. With sales/coupons, the soap was possibly free...I'm looking at my receipt right now, seeing that there was a deal I didn't even know about :) At the most, they were $0.70/each. The sausage was the most expensive of my "deals", but something I needed. The rest of the stuff was full-priced. Just proves that you can still save a lot of money even if you don't have a ton of coupons!
Saturday, 10/1/11
I'm sure there were TONS of good deals out there...but with my schedule lately, I haven't had much of a chance to score many of them. I set out today to get some really good deals at Target and Walmart. However, I was only mildly successful.
I set out to get 3 travel size toothpastes, priced at $0.97 each. I had 3 $1 off any size coupons, so those were free except for tax. I also set out to get 2 travel size lotions, priced at $0.97 each. I had 2 $0.50 off 1 any size coupons, so those were to be $0.47 each (the travel size is so convenient to carry in my purse!).
So. I found the toothpastes no problem. Made double (and triple) sure that the coupon didn't exclude travel size, and it didn't. (From reading some couponing blogs online, I know that some stores/cashiers are reluctant to take coupons on travel size because they feel like we're "stealing" the item. I don't see it as stealing when the store is getting the money back from the manufacturer, usually plus a few extra cents for handling. Nope, not stealing)
I couldn't find the lotions in the travel size section. But, since i really did need lotion, I looked around the lotion aisle and found a great deal on two full sized Suave lotion...2 for $5.00! So, I got the two lotions and 3 small toothpastes for $5.57. Not bad....
Now, Walmart was going to be my ultimate score for the day. My plan included:
Saturday, 10/1/11
I'm sure there were TONS of good deals out there...but with my schedule lately, I haven't had much of a chance to score many of them. I set out today to get some really good deals at Target and Walmart. However, I was only mildly successful.
I set out to get 3 travel size toothpastes, priced at $0.97 each. I had 3 $1 off any size coupons, so those were free except for tax. I also set out to get 2 travel size lotions, priced at $0.97 each. I had 2 $0.50 off 1 any size coupons, so those were to be $0.47 each (the travel size is so convenient to carry in my purse!).
So. I found the toothpastes no problem. Made double (and triple) sure that the coupon didn't exclude travel size, and it didn't. (From reading some couponing blogs online, I know that some stores/cashiers are reluctant to take coupons on travel size because they feel like we're "stealing" the item. I don't see it as stealing when the store is getting the money back from the manufacturer, usually plus a few extra cents for handling. Nope, not stealing)
I couldn't find the lotions in the travel size section. But, since i really did need lotion, I looked around the lotion aisle and found a great deal on two full sized Suave lotion...2 for $5.00! So, I got the two lotions and 3 small toothpastes for $5.57. Not bad....
Now, Walmart was going to be my ultimate score for the day. My plan included:
- 4 Men's Speed Stick deodorant for $0.49 each--on sale for $0.98 each, 2 coupons for B1G1
- 4 boxes of Barilla Whole Grain Pasta for $0.78 each--on sale for $1.28 each, 2 coupons for $1/2 boxes
- 2 Airwick Freshmatic starter kits for $0.97 each--on sale for $4.97 each, 2 coupons for $4/1
- Shout Wipes (travel size) for $0.42 each--on sale for $0.97 each, 2 $0.55/1 coupons
- Tide detergent single load for $0.47 each--on sale for $0.97 each, 3 $0.50/1 coupons
- 2 12-packs of Schick disposable razors for free (and possibly with a profit)--on sale for $1.97 each, coupon for $6/2. Since Walmart allows overage, that would have made me about $2 to apply to the rest of my order
Well, let's just say this went less than swimmingly. The store was out of the Airwick Freshmatic, Shout wipes and Schick disposable razors. So, I just stuck with my other items and went to the checkout. All was going well until I handed over my Tide coupons. The cashier said that I can't use coupons on travel sized items. I pointed out that the coupon did NOT exclude travel size. She called one of the managers over to check it out. She, too, said I couldn't use it. I tried once again to explain that the coupon did not exclude travel size, and she spouted out several different excuses, one being that "the travel size is not pictured on the coupon". Coupons do not necessarily work that way. (I'm looking for a link from one of the blogs I visit, but will have to find it later and update this post :)) At any rate, I just didn't feel like arguing, and just asked the cashier to please take those items off of my order.
I did end up getting the 4 boxes of pasta, 4 deodorants and a bag of rice (that I didn't have a coupon for, but was at a good price) for about $6.50. Not bad, but not as good as I was hoping for.
Looks like there are going to be some good coupons in the newspaper this week, so maybe I can get myself organized and actually get some good stuff this coming week :)
Edited to add picture and "stats"
The total for all of this was $12.34 and I saved at least $6.96, for a savings of about 38%. I say "at least" because Target and Walmart don't list their "normal" price on the receipt, and I know one or two items were on sale. Not the best, but saving something is better than saving nothing :)
Edited to add picture and "stats"
The total for all of this was $12.34 and I saved at least $6.96, for a savings of about 38%. I say "at least" because Target and Walmart don't list their "normal" price on the receipt, and I know one or two items were on sale. Not the best, but saving something is better than saving nothing :)
What a week...
In case you didn't see it on mine or Jeremy's facebook page, Jeremy's grandmother passed away on Tuesday night. Jeremy got a text from his mom around 5pm or so letting us know that the doctors didn't think she'd make it through the night. When I got home around 6 he told me and we got things together to head down there.
After we stopped briefly to grab something to eat, we made it down there by about 9pm. Went into the hospital, and started to get "lectured" by the old lady at the front desk. "Visiting hours are over, you'll have to come back tomorrow" is what she kept saying to us. We were trying to explain to her that his grandmother wouldn't be ALIVE during visiting hours tomorrow. She called up to the nurse's station, and she was talking very softly until she said, "So, I can let them up for a few minutes, but then TELL THEM TO COME BACK TOMORROW DURING VISITING HOURS?" and she was looking at me the whole time. I about jumped over that desk and strangled her with her phone cord. I just couldn't understand how she could be so rude when we were telling her that his grandmother was dying. She just said, "well, no one has told me that". So, they finally let us up, telling us we could only stay for a few minutes. (Yeah, few minutes my ASS. When we got upstairs, I pulled one of the nurses aside and asked if she could call down to the front desk and let them know what was going on so that no more family had trouble getting in.) I'm not knocking her for doing her job...she just didn't seem willing to take one extra step and see if what we were saying was actually true. Not once did she say that she'd check on her condition or anything. She was just adamant on not letting us up there, for whatever reason. Just glad it worked out in a relatively short amount of time...
We got up there, and she was in really bad shape. Not conscious, struggling to breathe. We had only been up there a little over an hour when she passed. Jeremy was so thankful to have made it in time. It was quite an emotional time, obviously. We left SC around 1am, made it home around 3am. Luckily Jeremy had Wednesday off. I went to work....and made it mostly awake. :)
The funeral was Friday morning. Beautiful day, beautiful location. It was a tough day, for many reasons, and the family has a lot of tough days ahead of them. Please keep them in your prayers....for peace and strength....
After we stopped briefly to grab something to eat, we made it down there by about 9pm. Went into the hospital, and started to get "lectured" by the old lady at the front desk. "Visiting hours are over, you'll have to come back tomorrow" is what she kept saying to us. We were trying to explain to her that his grandmother wouldn't be ALIVE during visiting hours tomorrow. She called up to the nurse's station, and she was talking very softly until she said, "So, I can let them up for a few minutes, but then TELL THEM TO COME BACK TOMORROW DURING VISITING HOURS?" and she was looking at me the whole time. I about jumped over that desk and strangled her with her phone cord. I just couldn't understand how she could be so rude when we were telling her that his grandmother was dying. She just said, "well, no one has told me that". So, they finally let us up, telling us we could only stay for a few minutes. (Yeah, few minutes my ASS. When we got upstairs, I pulled one of the nurses aside and asked if she could call down to the front desk and let them know what was going on so that no more family had trouble getting in.) I'm not knocking her for doing her job...she just didn't seem willing to take one extra step and see if what we were saying was actually true. Not once did she say that she'd check on her condition or anything. She was just adamant on not letting us up there, for whatever reason. Just glad it worked out in a relatively short amount of time...
We got up there, and she was in really bad shape. Not conscious, struggling to breathe. We had only been up there a little over an hour when she passed. Jeremy was so thankful to have made it in time. It was quite an emotional time, obviously. We left SC around 1am, made it home around 3am. Luckily Jeremy had Wednesday off. I went to work....and made it mostly awake. :)
The funeral was Friday morning. Beautiful day, beautiful location. It was a tough day, for many reasons, and the family has a lot of tough days ahead of them. Please keep them in your prayers....for peace and strength....
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