Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Random Pregnant Thoughts

Just a few random pregnant thoughts:

Even though I may not have to pee when sitting down, as soon as I stand up and gravity takes over, it's practically a sprint to the bathroom.

I have to remember that even babies in the womb sleep.  When she doesn't move for an hour, I shouldn't try to coax her to move.  She will get grumpy that I've disturbed her nap, and kick that nerve in my spine that she's so fond of these days.

I'm scared to death of actually giving birth.  Scared.  To.  DEATH.

Some of my more recent cravings:

*movie theater popcorn (LARGE)

*shrimp scampi
*cranberry orange muffin
*soft pretzel (warm, light salt, with mustard)
*Sonic ice (those delicious pellets of frozen water!)
*McDonald's iced coffee (cream, no sugar)
*Krispy Kreme doughnuts

I really do think Sadie knows I'm pregnant.  She's spending a large amount of time sniffing my belly lately.

I have what might be my last specialist appointment tomorrow, and I'm not nearly as nervous as I have been for every other visit.

Carpal tunnel SUCKS, and I pray every single day that my case truly is pregnancy-related and that it goes away after she's born (like it did for so many friends of mine).

I get my stitch removed in 3 weeks!  The bad part?  I don't think there's any anesthesia like there was with the placement.  Ruh-roh!!!!!

Things you should never say to a pregnant lady:

*"WOAH!" when looking at her belly

*"Are you sure you're not due sooner?"
*"Why are you so tired?  The baby isn't here yet!"
*"You absolutely need to do/have {insert thing here} or you'll regret it"  I appreciate advice, but what works for you may not work for me. 

I am so looking forward to being able to resume normal activities without worrying about causing a baby to fall out.  

I'm sure there'll be a part 2 to this at some point.  :)  Can't wait to meet our little girl :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's been a while

That's the understatement of the year!  But, it's finally time to talk about the health issues that have been plaguing me for the past few months.  First, we start with the good part - meet our daughter!!

I'm a little over 27 weeks pregnant, and we can't wait to meet this little girl!

The pregnancy has been difficult, both emotionally and physically.  Worried the first 12 weeks that we'd lose her like we did Jordan.  Worried after that, especially up to 17 weeks, that we'd lose her like we did Nathan. Now, there's going to be two parts to this post - the quick part first, for those who don't want to read the gory details.  Then more info below for those who want to know.  If you've known me through our first two pregnancies, you know I'm not afraid to share details.  :)

As soon as I found out we were pregnant again, I found a new OB.  There were two important qualities - awesome, and NOT affiliated with CMC.  I couldn't deal with them again after everything that happened with Nathan.  Thankfully a friend suggested a place, and even though I didn't end up with her OB, I'm incredibly blessed to have gotten the one I did.  She's been amazing.  (If anyone is looking for a new OBGYN, Dr. Lisa Wilson at Providence OBGYN is just fantastic.  Amazing.  I couldn't ask for a better doctor.)

After telling her all about Jordan and Nathan, she decided that they wanted to monitor me very closely to keep an eye out for problems that are common with 2nd trimester losses like Nathan.  I had frequent visits with her as well as with the maternal fetal medicine specialists, frequent ultrasounds, etc.  Everything was going swimmingly until about 19 weeks, when my ultrasound showed some abnormal changes.  It wasn't an emergency, but they didn't want to let it get that way either.  I was scheduled for surgery the next day to try and fix the problem.  The surgery went fantastically, and everything's been holding up really well until this week.  As of Wednesday, things have started to change slightly for the worse.  It's still not an emergency, but very discouraging considering everything has been going very well for the 8 weeks after surgery.  They're going to start monitoring me weekly, at least for the next few weeks.  If all stays as it is now, we'll be doing well.  If things continue to change, we'll discuss what needs to happen to give baby girl the best chance possible.

If you know me at all, you know I'm a worrier.  Believe it or not, aside from a few breakdowns here and there, I've actually been doing mostly well.  A lot of credit goes to my family and the few friends who know listening to me ramble and praying for us.  I'm back to worrying a bit, but I know that God's in charge, and regardless of what happens, it's all in His plan.

So that's what's going on in a nutshell.  If you stop here, you will not be missing anything important.  If you keep going, you will get more details about me than you may want to know.  I feel I have sufficiently warned you.  :)

Here we go.

What they found at 19 weeks was an incompetent cervix.  I had kinda been suspecting it after my OB said it was something that was possible based on how things went with Nathan.  But after a few stellar visits, I wasn't expecting the changes to happen so quickly.  At 17 weeks, my cervix was somewhere between 3.5 and 4.0 cm long, which is completely normal.  At 19 weeks, it was closer to 2.0 cm and was funneled down to that point.  (I know this probably doesn't make sense to those of you who haven't had to deal with cervical issues, and really, you're better off :))  Since the change had happened fairly quickly (in the course of two weeks) and given my history, they decided it would be in my best interest to have what's called a cerclage.  I will not go into detail about what that is.  You can google it.  Just don't look at images or you'll be sorry.  ;)  Let's just say that the point of this procedure is to strengthen the cervix to keep baby cooking longer.  The surgery itself was quick - only about 20 minutes - but I was in the hospital for a few hours because they did a spinal, and it took a few hours for me to be able to walk again.

Every visit since then showed steady cervical lengths of right around 2.0 cm, and a healthy baby.  This week, however, my cervix had shortened to about 1.3 cm, down from 1.9 just last week.  The cerclage is still holding strong and is keeping my cervix closed, but the change in length is concerning.  They're going to start seeing me weekly for the next few weeks to see if the change continues or if everything holds where it is.  My OB says that it's entirely possible that everything will hold as-is and we'll have a full term baby.  However, this recent shortening does make it seem likely that we'll meet her sooner rather than later.

27 weeks is a fairly good place to be.  Survival rate is high, though there is still a chance of long-term complications.  28 weeks would be better.  32 weeks would be even better.  But every single day is a blessing and gets her closer and closer to being OK.  Please be in prayer that she makes it to 36 weeks!  I know it's not too much for God to do.  If she does come early, please just pray that she'll be healthy and won't have to be in the hospital for too long. 

We really appreciate any prayers that we'll make it at least 5 more weeks before we meet our little girl!

Monday, April 8, 2013

White Flag

I don't know why, but White Flag is one of my least favorite worship songs.  I really don't know why.  I like other tracks from the Passion album (namely One Thing Remains and You Revive Me) but just not that one.  I don't have anything against surrender--though I'm admittedly not good at it--I just....blech.

And then one week, I got that lovely, highly-anticipated Planning Center invite and saw it on the schedule for the upcoming Sunday.  Ehhh.  I've helped lead songs I wasn't terribly fond of before.  I knew I could make it through.  

Then a week or two later, same situation.  

Then a few weeks after that.

Then yesterday.  I got a text message at 6:15am asking if I could fill in for a vocalist who had a last minute situation.  So I got out of bed, got ready, and listened to the worship songs for the day.  Yep.  You guessed it.

In fact, if I'm not mistaken, every time this song has been on the set list at our church, I've been up on that platform helping lead.  (You'd think I'd have caught on by now...)

On my way to church yesterday morning, as the sun was rising (and as I was still waking up, honestly), I asked God to use me how he saw fit.  I mean, I hadn't had more than 30 minutes to prepare for the 7:30am rehearsal, so I really needed His help.

And as I rolled into the parking lot, it dawned on me that I *always* need His help.  I should *always* be asking Him to use me as He sees fit.  I should never be relying on myself alone, no matter how much time I have to prepare.  I took my small step towards surrendering, and managed to not stress out about the songs (well, except for this one :-P).  

I'm not always the best at surrendering.  The past year has forced me to at least get better at it.  But I definitely still have plenty to learn.  Especially this next week or so, as we approach what would have been Nathan's due date on Saturday.  And last week, as we mourned the first anniversary of losing Jordan.  And as I continue to struggle with stress and anxiety.  I need so so many reminders.  Being there on that platform yesterday was so much more for my benefit than it was for anyone else's.  

But I still don't like the song.  ;-)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


We've hit a few "milestones" in the past week or two.

*We hit a year since we found out that Jordan passed away
*We hit 4 months since losing Nathan
*We hit the point where we've now been without Nathan longer than we had him

I'm not sure why that last one hit me the hardest, but it has.

I have so many blessings in my life, big and small.  I have so much to be thankful for, and I have thankfully found myself amazingly happy, especially over the past few weeks.  But I'm also trying to give myself a little grace.  And let myself be sad sometimes.  Because I miss my babies.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I've been thinking about perfection a lot lately.  I've written about it a bit before, so I won't go into all of those details again.  I also mentioned a little bit about my enneagram type, but not much.  I shall elaborate a bit.  :)

The enneagram is a personality inventory, a bit similar to the more well-known Myers-Briggs.  This is one of my favorite sites on the subject (and even has a few free tests to determine your type...if you take it, let me know what you are!).

I'm a 2 (with a 1 wing, if you want to get specific) which is the helper.  Among many of the positive and negative traits of 2s is the fear of being unwanted and/or unloved (it should be noted, as a bit of irony, that Amanda means worthy of love).  At our best, we help and love unconditionally.  At our worst, we become manipulative and self-serving.  My 1 wing brings in the perfectionistic part.  I want to help (in some cases, I "need" to help), and I want to do it perfectly.


Lately I've been having issues with this particularly in my home life and in my singing.  I feel bad when my house isn't clean (which is practically all the time) or when I don't cook dinner, even if there are valid reasons, such as working incredibly late hours.  I feel bad if I hit a bum note when singing, or miss a lyric, even if it goes mostly unnoticed.  Imagine, then, how I feel when I *really* mess up.  It ain't pretty.

I've been trying to give myself more grace lately.  That's something one of my doctors reminded me to do about a month after we lost Nathan.  Yes...I needed to continue to focus on my health, but I also needed to remember not to be so hard on myself.

For me, the balance between trying to be perfect and completely giving up is so hard.  If I'm not focusing my energy on it, it's an either/or thing for me.  If I can't be perfect, I might as well not do it at all.  My most impending example of this is the song I'm leading tomorrow at church.  It's a difficult one for me vocally, as it spends some time down in the basement of my range.  I've been focusing all week on the what ifs..."what if it sounds horrible?", "what if I can't even squeak out the lowest of the low notes?".   But that's just it.  What if those things actually happen?  The world won't end, people won't decide to UN-follow Jesus, friends won't ditch me, my husband won't divorce me, God won't shut the doors of heaven to me.  Point is, if I mess up, that's all that happens.  And people see that I'm not perfect.  And I'm trying to be OK with that.

(We'll discuss my affinity for worrying about what other people think about me on another day ;-))

Monday, February 25, 2013


I've had a lot of blog topic ideas floating through my head for the last few weeks.  But I've admittedly been a) lazy and b) horribly, terribly busy at work.  I'm still both of these things, but I was inspired by something yesterday, and feel the need to write about it.

Unless you've completely blocked me on facebook, you've heard me talk about our church and the series that we're getting ready to finish up called Decades.  It's been a TON of fun (see Exhibit AExhibit B, and Exhibit C...I could go on, but you get the picture) and there have been some great messages.  But yesterday's really hit me in an interesting way.

Yesterday, we were in the 90s, which can be described as the decade of greed.  At one point during the sermon, we were encouraged to take some time and consider what we were being greedy with in our own lives, and talk to God about it.  As I was thinking, the usual suspects crossed my radar...money, time, time with Jeremy...and then something I wasn't quite expecting...my singing.

I talked a little about music a few weeks ago, so I'll try not to repeat myself too much.  But suffice it to say...music is a huge part of my life, and is quite important to me.

I'm not greedy with it like I can be greedy with money or time.  With money and time, I want to keep them, and not give them away.  With music, I want to give it away perhaps too much.  I want to be able to participate all the time.  If I had it my way, I'd be up on that stage most every Sunday.  

And while I'm admitting my greed, might as well hit up some of the other deadly sins!  I'm quite prone to envy also.  I am incredibly blessed to serve with some amazing singers and musicians, and can find myself falling into the envy trap.  "If only I could sing as well as...."  "If only I had the confidence of..."  "I wish I could be up there with them singing this song..."

I've really been in tune with this envy and greed--though I would never have thought to call it greed until yesterday--for the past few months.  However, with all that was going on with the loss of Nathan, I put it on the back burner.  I finally started praying a few weeks back that God would help me with these issues.  That He would help me remember that there are many incredibly talented and passionate vocalists He has called to serve who probably love it as much as--if not more than!--I do.  If I were to sing every week, there wouldn't be a place for these folks.  I've also been praying that God will help me to remember that He uniquely gifted me, and I'm not supposed to sound like anyone else.  I'm supposed to sound like me...for better or for worse.

The one phrase that stuck out to me the most was this:

"The antidote to greed is trust."

I need to trust God to use me how HE sees fit, not how I see fit.  (And back to my money and time issues...trust that He will provide. I have all that I need for today.)

I know that God will help me with this...what I am really, really hoping is that I will accept His help, and not be stubborn like I can be so, so often.  And that I will learn to really, truly appreciate the time that I get to spend in this ministry and remember that it's a privilege and not something that I'm somehow entitled to.  And even more importantly, remember that while it's fun and enjoyable, it's ultimately not about me and my desires anyways.

(And on an unrelated note, 16 weeks today.  And I still miss him.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Getting real

I reckon I can't be optimistic all the time.  And today's one of those days.

First, I guess it's possibly time to stop just posting the number of weeks since losing Nathan, as folks are starting to think I'm pregnant again.  It's a fair assumption, but no.  Not pregnant.  

And now for my rant--I HATE ANXIETY.  It sucks.  

I've actually been doing mostly well over the past couple of weeks, since being back on some medication.  I've had a few small incidents, but I've been able to talk myself down fairly quickly.  But today was a little different.  I had a slightly stressful morning...discovered that I had made a moderately important mistake, which for a perfectionist can be almost end-of-the-world epic, even though my boss was completely understanding and helped come up with a solution.  I wasn't feeling noticeably stressed about it at this specific moment, but all of the sudden, I had a mild--but sharp--pain in the center of my chest, and then felt tingling that moved from the top of my head down to the bottom of my toes.  All in all, these physical symptoms lasted at most 10-15 seconds, but then my brain took over.  It was thankfully about lunch time, so I clocked out and went for a 30-minute walk.  And talked to my mom on the phone.  And just generally tried to convince myself that it was just a panic attack.  And most of me knows that it was.  But the part of me that triggers panic attacks sometimes has a hard time understanding that.

All sorts of fears enter my brain, mostly about dying.  Is that bad?  Is it bad that, as a Christian, I'm scared of dying?  I mean, I want to go to heaven.  I'm looking forward to heaven.  I just always imagined going there at some lovely age like 90 or something.  Not 32.  

At any rate.  I was mostly able to stay calm for the rest of the afternoon, but I just hate that I had this episode.  It can be so paralyzing.  I know I said in an earlier post that I knew this was going to happen eventually, given everything that's happened in the past year.  But then I got to thinking today how completely unfair it is.  This sucks!  First, I had to lose two precious babies, and now I have to deal with this anxiety on top of the lingering grief.  How is this even OK?  And I know life's not fair, and I know God never said it'd be easy, but that doesn't mean that I can't be a little angry about it at times.  

And that's where I am.  I'm angry.  And I'm sad.  And I'm scared.  And I'm sick of being all of these things.

Will you pray for me?  For us?  Because Lord knows Jeremy is a SAINT for putting up with me through all of this.

I love you guys.