I almost didn't write anything tonight, but I'm not quite ready to give up the "tradition" just yet.
I'm honestly not entirely sure WHAT to write. Life has surely been full of ups and downs lately. It's hard to believe that Christmas is a week away. I was looking so forward to this Christmas...getting to feel our little one kick and move, getting some baby stuff for Christmas, setting up the nursery...let's just say a lot of Christmas wishes will not be coming true this year.
But, deep down, I know that Christmas isn't about MY baby....it's about THE baby. The one who came to save us all, and because of Him, my babies are rejoicing in heaven right now. They couldn't be happier. And even though I know they don't miss us--I really don't think you can feel anything remotely painful in heaven--I do think they are looking forward to meeting us one day. But for now, I reckon they're in pretty good hands.
Aw-w-w, Amanda, what a great way to look at it. THE baby, indeed!!